The Mother/Child bond is powerful, and is equally important to all of the non-human species who carry their children in their bodies, or keep them warm as they grow and hatch, or otherwise protect and watch over them while they prepare to enter the world. These mothers, when allowed to do so, also nurse their young, teach them to find food, nuzzle them for comfort, model appropriate social behaviors, and are fiercely protective.

In our current world, where we humans have subjugated so many other species, taken over their land, trapped, forcibly reproduced and confined them, and consider them “food”, “clothing”, “nuisances”, and “entertainment”, innocent and deserving non-human babies are often deprived of essential access to their moms, which they crave and need as much as do humans. This of course deprives the moms as well.

On this Mother’s Day, we ask that everyone consider the questions and images we have posted here, and do what you can to incorporate more compassionate choices into your daily lives, for the sake of all mothers.
To those who are mothers of anyone, human or otherwise, who walks, crawls, flies, or slithers, we wish you a wonderful day filled with love. Please remember all of those who aren’t able to experience this love. It’s never too late to help the next generation!
To those who are already eating a plant-based diet, wearing clothing of non-animal sources, protecting our planet from useless plastic and other waste, preserving habitats, and all of the other marvelous things that can be done to live in harmony with other species, THANK YOU!

Inspired by the wonderful stories put together by our friends at Free From Harm in their article 10 Mothers On Why They’re Saying NO To Dairy, on this Mother’s Day we would like to introduce some local, personal, and current perspectives on how we human animals are so similar to and dependent on the non-humans animals with whom we share this life, as well as the planet itself.
We are so fortunate to have local vegan mom Tracye Bennis-Sine share her thoughts and experiences on the maternal instincts and responsibilities shared by all mothers, human or otherwise, and how this so essential aspect of life itself is subjugated by our modern society. She also discusses these themes in relation to our latest pandemic and if/how we can really celebrate mothers and their place in these troubled times.
Please enjoy the article and share it if you feel compelled. Also feel free to contact us if you would like to contribute your own thoughts and experiences.
Finally, thank the mothers in your life for just that: your life 🙂
love, MFA PA

Featured Post image by Tasmin Cooper reused under CC BY-SA 2.0 license