Introducing VegEvents

We are happy to share with you VegEvents, a useful resource for keeping up to date on the many vegan events worldwide, both virtual and in person as we all start to hopefully emerge from lock downs. In addition to a list of upcoming events, they provide a free newsletter emailing subscribers once a week with a list of vegan events near them.

Enjoy meeting up with your fella and fellow vegans again .. and stay safe!

Love, MFA PA

Tracye Bennis-Sine: All Mothers’ Milk

Can we celebrate Mother’s Day? Can we celebrate being at home and feeding our babies (and toddlers, if they want it) our own milk? Can we celebrate our ability to make nourishing, delicious meals for our children without causing the unbelievable harm that is caused when people choose to support the factory farming of animals?

Motherhood has always been a feminist issue to me. Long before I became a mother, myself, I was angered to live in a society that valued women (and, especially, mothers) so little and gave such inordinate power to men. As a vegan, too, it’s clear to me that the dairy industry is a horrifically exaggerated version of the way we, as a society, treat human mothers and children.

Continue reading “Tracye Bennis-Sine: All Mothers’ Milk”

Happy Mother’s Day 2020: Respect ALL Mothers

On this Mother’s Day, we ask that everyone consider the questions and images we have posted here, and do what you can to incorporate more compassionate choices into your daily lives, for the sake of all mothers.

The Mother/Child bond is powerful, and is equally important to all of the non-human species who carry their children in their bodies, or keep them warm as they grow and hatch, or otherwise protect and watch over them while they prepare to enter the world. These mothers, when allowed to do so, also nurse their young, teach them to find food, nuzzle them for comfort, model appropriate social behaviors, and are fiercely protective.

Continue reading “Happy Mother’s Day 2020: Respect ALL Mothers”

Two Huge Losses: Priscilla Cohn Ferrater-Mora & Val Trivigno

It’s with a very heavy heart that I must announce the passing of two wonderful animal advocates and dear friends. I’m sure many of you have already heard of these sad events through social media and other outlets, but I wanted to pass it along just in case.

Continue reading “Two Huge Losses: Priscilla Cohn Ferrater-Mora & Val Trivigno”