EcoFest@Pottstown 2019: Call for Participants

The Pottstown’s Second Annual EcoFest (@PottstownEcoFest) will feature environmentally-friendly and animal-friendly services, products, and food, plus information from local businesses and non-profits. The theme for this year’s EcoFest is: “Appreciating and Protecting Wildlife”. If your business or organization offers event attendees a way to help other species thrive, we encourage you to use this event to educate them about it.

Hello Pottstown and Pottstown area businesses and non-profits:

Welcome to
Pottstown’s Second Annual EcoFest (

The street festival will take place on Saturday, April 27, 2019, 12-5 PM (Set up at 9:30-11:30 AM) at Smith Family Plaza Park (100 E High Street, Pottstown, PA 19464). Severe weather rain date is Saturday, May 4, 2019. This event is hosted by Mobilization For Animals – PA, Inc. and will be held in loving memory of our co-founder, Bill “The Cat Guy” Sharon.

This event will be vegan*. We welcome vegan and non-vegan vendors to participate but we require that all items at the event be vegan and that any services or upcoming events you wish to promote at EcoFest also be eco and animal friendly. We would love for your business or organization to participate!

Vegan and Eco-friendliness

*Note: Vegan = completely plant based: free of any animal products or by-products, and Cruelty-free: items that have not been tested on animals. Examples of animal ingredients to avoid in food and products: meat, gelatin, dairy, eggs, honey, wool, fur, leather, feathers. Also, please do not sell water in plastic bottles and please be mindful to use eco-friendly materials for any carry-out containers at the event – all packaging should be recyclable on site, or compostable (no Styrofoam, unnumbered plastic containers, plastic straws, etc.).

Some ways to get involved

Local Businesses

Do you offer any product or service that helps to protect the environment and/or animals? You may without even realizing it. Does your business or product:

  • Recycle or compost materials and/or use recycled/composted materials?
  • Conserve energy?
  • Provide clean, renewable energy?
  • Use natural, non-toxic ingredients or products?
  • Promote organic farming or is it made from organic materials?
  • Replace disposable items with reusable ones?
  • Help wildlife or companion animals?
  • Contain only cruelty free ingredients* or use only cruelty free products?
  • Protect or create wildlife habitat?
  • Promote appreciation for nature and/or other species?
  • Promote healthy, mindful living?

Please do not hesitate to ask us for suggestions if you want to participate but need ideas.

Suggested Ways to Participate

  • Host a table at EcoFest to provide flyers, coupons, and/or samples
  • Host a table to sell products
  • Educate the public with information, displays, demonstrations, or activities
  • Be an event sponsor and have your business advertised on online and at the event


Pottstown EcoFest is a vegan event. Plant-based eating is the most animal-friendly diet and the most Earth-friendly one as well. Does your menu include at least two vegan entrees, or would you like it to? If so, we suggest the following ways to participate:

  • Set up a food truck, cart or table at the event to showcase your vegan options
  • Set up a table and give away vegan samples and menus with the vegan options high-lighted
  • Sell gift certificates for Mother’s Day presents (Mother’s Day is May 12th)
  • Provide coupons for 10% to 20% off of a vegan meal (dollar limit of your choice), which will be valid for at least a week after the event
  • Be a restaurant sponsor of the event: provide promotional information about the vegan options at your restaurant and/or coupons to be placed in our EcoFest event bags (see sponsorship below)


Organizations that promote a plant-based diet and/or protection of the earth, animals, or wildlife habitat can:

  • Provide information, displays, or demonstrations
  • Collect signatures
  • Recruit volunteers
  • Sell fund-raising items
  • Introduce the public to companion animals up for adoption or rescued wildlife

Participation Options


Official EcoFest Sponsor $75

  • Business/group logo and link on the EcoFest Facebook page & website
  • Small flyer, business card, coupons or sample provided by sponsor placed inside Event Bag (Please only provide coupons for items and services that are eco-friendly and vegan)
  • Business/group name & logo included on 4 large posters at the EcoFest event
  • Attractive 8.5×11 “Official EcoFest Sponsor” sign available for business shop window

Official EcoFest Sponsor + Wildlife Art Sponsor $100

  • Everything included with Official EcoFest Sponsorship
  • 8.5 x 11 sign with business/group name & logo next to one Wildlife Art Display Animal at EcoFest

To become a sponsor please fill out the application and make your payment.

Vendor, Non-Profit, Animal Rescue

Food Vendors $70

Please provide a copy of license and liability insurance a least one week before the event

Non-Food Vendors $35

Non-Profit Vendors & Animals Rescues $20

Fees are waived for animal rescue groups who plan to bring animals for public interaction or possible adoption

Additional FeeS

Vendors can bring their own tents, tables, and chairs or rent them in advance through the EcoFest vendor application.

To become a vendor (food, merchandise), non-profit, or animal rescue participant please fill out your application, make your payment, and complete the waiver.

Thank you for your interest in Pottstown EcoFest and thank you for all you do to make Pottstown a better place to live and to visit.

Kind Regards,

  • Elisabeth Anderson and Caitlin Mercer, EcoFest Vendor Coordinators
  • Mobilization for Animals, PA, Inc.

Vendors and Sponsors please feel free to email, which will be checked on a daily basis, or call or text Caitlin at 610-393-2538.

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